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  Forum » Market » Sales » High Prog/FC Junior Full Backs Up for Sale  Date
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Ball boy
Quite a few high prog/fc full backs in my junior squad. I've put them up for sale put if you want any specific player whether it's a full back or not, just send me a message and I'm sure that we could come to an agreement.

Some of these include:

- A 15 year old RB 91prog, 92 fc
- A 15 year old RB 86 prog

And some other players in different positions:

- A 16 year old OM 82prog, 82 fc
- A 14 year old RIM 78 prog


Edited by GuillermoElWormo 01-09-2013 09:51
01/09/2013 09:45
  - Div/Gr
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