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  Forum » Foro Liga Masters » Nigerian Managers Only 3 Date
2078 msgs.
Best scorer
i can help you train him,if you will help me train a def 05/09/2013 14:46
  - Div/Gr
3631 msgs.
Best scorer
abbey_yung said:
i can help you train him,if you will help me train a def

what do you train.. Defenders or CF?
And whats ur junior coach %?
05/09/2013 14:49
  - Div/Gr
21587 msgs.
Golden Ball
Guys,will like to beg for junior training spots,i want to loan three out next season,just tell me the position you train and coach rating thanks 05/09/2013 15:09
  🦊3773™ - Div3/Gr6
9897 msgs.
Golden Ball
A guy chatting with his Pastor on Facebook. Pastor: how are you? Guy: am fine my daddy. Pastor: may the building of heavenly favour collapse on your head Guy: (no reply) Pastor: may the thunder of Blessing strike you and your family. Guy: (no reply) Pastor: are you there? Guy: yes my daddy Pastor: you should be saying amen to claim the Blesings. Guy: ok, May over speeding truck of blessings jam/crush you and your family like a moving train, faster than the speed of light in Jesus name. Pastor: thunder fire you!!! 05/09/2013 15:11
  - Div/Gr
9897 msgs.
Golden Ball
Oyewale said:
Guys,will like to beg for junior training spots,i want to loan three out next season,just tell me the position you train and coach rating thanks

late once more.:-x
05/09/2013 15:13
  - Div/Gr
2215 msgs.
Best scorer
I wil just to exchange right ??? 05/09/2013 16:05
  - Div/Gr
21587 msgs.
Golden Ball
Whatamidoinghere said:
Oyewale said:
Guys,will like to beg for junior training spots,i want to loan three out next season,just tell me the position you train and coach rating thanks

late once more.:-x

nevermind...am used to it
05/09/2013 16:11
  🦊3773™ - Div3/Gr6
1212 msgs.
Hy guys 05/09/2013 16:17
  - Div/Gr
21587 msgs.
Golden Ball
rexmilan said:
Hy guys

hello.....our boss
05/09/2013 16:31
  🦊3773™ - Div3/Gr6
1797 msgs.
All my schools are now public. Check them out one by one if you're interested in any player, pm me with your bid guys. Make una all feel free o. We all we be friends so feel free den send bids, 05/09/2013 16:42
  - Div/Gr
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