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  Forum » General » League Too Difficult Date
156 msgs.
patient said:
redones said:
I'm not complaining, as I don't particularly care about the team on this server, but I accepted an offer expecting the 41 days to upgrade accessories.
It gave me 5
It takes 5 days to build a single accessory and I didn't have 5 mil on hand, so in fairness, there was no chance of me building them on time

To everyone else,
The 41days are from start of the season so you need to get infos from people in higher divisions of how many days left.
Also accessories take 5days to build so take -5days from the 41days (or whichever number is left)

i sort of disagree. last season i took up an offer go up a higher div. and when i had paid all for the accessories to build, the 41 days period had expired. but the game did not charge me anything seeing that my accessories where a work in progress and that i had already paid for them.
13/02/2012 14:19
  - Div/Gr
6832 msgs.
Golden Ball
I accepted a offer to move up division last season then realised about the accessories asked for advice and if you go to your profile then offers you get the offer of your old team don't know how long this offer lasts though 13/02/2012 18:28
  Steel City - Div3/Gr4
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