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  Forum » Suggestions » Tactics Date
2737 msgs.
Best scorer
This is a bit too much of a suggestion, but i think it will be good for the game overall:

No one yet knows exactly (by exactly, i mean every single little bit) how tactics work. That is including those 4 bars and the 3 lines. I suggest the whole tactics page to be changed to make it easier to use for the common manager. If the bars can be made to do simple things that people can see on the field, it would be much better. For example, counter-attack vs short pass...this is not a good name for it, short pass is not the opposite of counter attack. Having counter-attack does not necessarily mean i want long passes, and having short passes does not mean i want slow play. What if i want my team to make short passes in a counter attack like this:

(a bit off-topic, i hope madrid wins today )

Another bar like man-marking vs zone. I can barely see the effect of the difference between them, i know there is a difference...but it is not that big for an average manager to notice. The only 3 bars im satisfied with are middle vs wing and effort, because i can CLEARLY see the players playing on wing when i move it there and i can CLEARLY see them play in the middle when i move it there, same thing with effort as you can see the stamina drop difference. As for the 3 lines, im sure many have guesses (including me) as to what they do, but i doubt anyone can give a final answer to what the 3 lines are for.

Maybe renaming the counter-attack vs short pass to counter-attack vs slow and actually have players building up play slowly vs players trying to get to the other end as quick as possible. Add another bar for short passing vs long passing and its obvious what this bar will do. The important thing is to actually make the bar have a noticeable effect on game play, i mean NOTICEABLE effect because not everyone will watch hours of this simulation to find what moving one bar a few cm left/right will do. Maybe add another bar for aggression, where higher aggression means more fouls...it should give one more way for planning games.

The point is, I think what is driving many "top teams" away is that they have no idea what the tactics does to the game. If you do not know how the bars will affect the game, how are you supposed to plan for it? It makes it more fun when you actually know that "when i move this bar to the left, my players will do this" because then you can actually think about how you will face your opponents. But when you do not know the results of moving the bars...then you have no clue what your players will do, and thus no clue whether its a good way to play or not.

I can barely say i have figured out all of the tactics, but i have more or less a sense of what players will do when i change the positions of certain bars/lines. As I'm sure there aren't that many people willing to spend as much time as me on tactics, i can guess that majority of players in this game (80%+) have no idea what will happen when they change certain bars on the tactics page.

10/12/2011 09:13
  - Div/Gr
425 msgs.
First-team player
I think what may help is having more help. By that i mean, having more direct description for what each bar is supposed to do.

Right now, it's just a bunch of trial and error and collusion with each other. While the forced social aspect is nice, it would be very handy to have a blurb about what the devs think the bars should do to the game and not a bunch of semi to non-educated guesses.
10/12/2011 09:20
  - Div/Gr
2737 msgs.
Best scorer
Mozleron said:
I think what may help is having more help. By that i mean, having more direct description for what each bar is supposed to do.

Right now, it's just a bunch of trial and error and collusion with each other. While the forced social aspect is nice, it would be very handy to have a blurb about what the devs think the bars should do to the game and not a bunch of semi to non-educated guesses.

I doubt they would say what the bars are supposed to do because if they that, people will keep complaining because obviously the bars wont do exactly what they are supposed to do. You'll get these type of complains:

"hi, i usd a counter-attck but my plyers arnt doing it. all my frwrds are nt running quickly and nt scoring goals. pls help, tnx"
10/12/2011 09:32
  - Div/Gr
425 msgs.
First-team player
They're going to get that kind of thing, no matter what.

If they use general enough language, it will still convey meaning without giving away all their juicy secrets.
10/12/2011 09:35
  - Div/Gr
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